Although Levitt and Dubner do not have a unifying theme in this book, they have questioned the concept of conventional wisdom. They would like their readers to be more open about how people behave in the real world, and not start accepting conventional wisdom, at least to the same extent they have been used to. The fact that the book does not have a unifying theme makes it more of a library of books rather that one book with a theme running through it.
The book challenges conventional wisdom and also cites examples in many places that shows normal conventional wisdom to be inaccurate. But the question that does arise after we read the book is that, what one is supposed to do with all these facts. It definitely is fascinating to know that there is a negative relation between abortion and crime, or the rise and fall of baby names over a period of time. But can we come to any conclusion with all that information? We cannot control crime rate in the future. Neither can we decide which name would actually be popular thirty years from now. We cannot stop the growing population fearing that they would become criminals in the future. If unwanted children are the rise to crime, the government can actually start taking up family planning to programs to avoid crime rise in the future. The idea though is farfetched and if even if one starts believing in what Levitt and Dubner are trying to convey, their thoughts would represent conventional wisdom. It would just override the conventional wisdom that previously existed. Parents would start choosing names that are in fashion. The preset Government parties would start blaming earlier parties for the increase in crime rate in the current times. The book puts out numbers, facts that you can’t argue with. Numbers that during your normal course of action would not even matter. It would be similar to the top ten celebrity rich list that one gets in there Sunday papers. They are numbers, facts but those do not impact a normal person in any form whatsoever.
Levitt and Dubner do not come to any conclusion in the book, although they do find a lot of correlations in tons of data. One is unsure about the point they are trying to convey across because the authors themselves deny having a theme in the book and not actually having any conclusion to his theories. Curiosity without a specific direction seems to be the theme of this book. The point however that should trouble a lot of people is the chapter where the author states that parents can’t really do much about how their kids turn out. The authors say that if you are smart, hardworking, and married to someone who is as successful as you, then the probability of your child’s success is more. Which means that if you are not smart and poor, your kids would not even stand a chance. To this statement the only example that I can think of that makes his entire theory look like a table of neatly stacked numbers is Abraham Lincoln, the child born to two uneducated farmers in a log cabin, who turned out to be arguably the greatest president of, in most probability, the greatest nation of the world.
Again, if we do start to accept Levitt’s theory that parents can’t really have a huge impact on what their child will become. Will lead to a disaster, if people start accepting his theory then parents would technically have to stop worrying about their kids because, according to him if the parents are smart the child born has a higher chance of success So does that mean ‘smart’ parents just let their children live without much guidance because ‘research’ has shown that they have a higher rate of success. That in my eyes would mean only one thing. More crime rate because unsupervised are as similar to unwanted kids. Which according to Levitt would eventually cause crime. Correct or was that my conventional wisdom kicking in?
Again, starting to accept Levitt’s theory that parents cannot have a huge impact on what their child become will lead to disaster. If people start accepting his theory then parents would technically have to stop worrying about their kids because, according to them, if the parents are smart the child born has a higher chance of success. So does that mean ‘smart’ parents just let their children live without much guidance because ‘research’ has shown that they have a higher rate of success.
In conclusion, the study, the research, and the theories show that we are in a state where we are unsure about the reasons behind why things happen the way they do. One thing is for sure is that we cannot argue with numbers, but does that lead us to a valid point or a conclusion is something that I have yet to figure out.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Sunday, January 6, 2008
World Hold On

Why is the world changing? Why are we going faster than time itself? Why can some of us think way ahead of where we are and the rest be left behind? Why some are so far behind that they are just about ready to embrace a change and then they realize that it has still changed further?
Why can’t the world just hold on and bring everyone to a common start all over again. And why is this change happening is this what is called evolution? Is this because people are finding ways to find a happier self? Why cant evolution be something that happens for the benefit of all? Why is it that only a few are happy with change and the remaining unhappy about what happened? Who decides that a change is needed? Who is that small group that decides what is good and what is bad? Who decides in which direction the world should change?
Why can’t the world just hold on and bring everyone to a common start all over again. And why is this change happening is this what is called evolution? Is this because people are finding ways to find a happier self? Why cant evolution be something that happens for the benefit of all? Why is it that only a few are happy with change and the remaining unhappy about what happened? Who decides that a change is needed? Who is that small group that decides what is good and what is bad? Who decides in which direction the world should change?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Observe :D
Saw a guy in central the other day …….the ones that think they can nail all the girls in the building in one go (lol)………wore a baggy low waste duplicate “diesel” jeans I could say it was duplicate because it had “lucky” written on a tag below the back pocket………yes I did look there and no I am not what you are thinking….. I am straight……… well coming back to Mr Stud then he had this Tshirt on with a corny one liner “I think so I am single” …… lets think about this statement---- why would a “I know I am cool” guy wear such a thing…..let alone wear what must have gone through the pea that he calls a brain, when he bought the shirt……maybe years and years of rejection and dejection, mental trauma I guess then the pea could not take it anymore the pea decided to stand up for himself get a life and not face dejection anymore so the pea decided to make the owner of the pea pick up the tshirt and flaunt it showing the world I don’t need women/men (we don’t really know his preference here… we….all his Tshirt said that he was single) in my life anymore I will stay alone and think (lol)….now coming to the real meaning of the statement ……what it really means is that I am so freakin ugly that not a single guy/girl would even look at me so this is like my last option please do look at me I am single with a sense of humour…..look at my tshirt I have sense of humor that to a good one……and did I mention that I am single because yes I am I have it on my tshirt as well…please please feel sorry for me…………now that’s what the tshirt really means…….next time you see a guy like that you can have a good chuckle thanks to this blog :)
Blah Blah Blah ......
Saw “Taare Zameen Par” yesterday this would be kind off a review of the movie in Godfrey ishtyle (lol) but anyway here goes ……..aamir khan packed a proper sucker punch right below the belt in his directorial debut……all I can say is brilliant …….i am not using this term for the movie, although I have to because if I say it was not a really nice movie then first thing it would not be a hit with the girls because they would think that Godfrey does not have a sensitive side and second thing I would be considered heartless people would come to me then and ask “how could you not feel the pain of little irshad” my answer 99% would be “err….because….I guess I am not dyslexic” (lol) now coming back to the movie aamir khan knew what would make him a good director ---touch on the senti side because almost every story that shows the human side to it will be a hit and this movie for sure had his share of senti stuff …….i saw the movie in my room all alone therefore nobody apart from me knows whether I cried or not……. pretty smart right ………well cant blame me the movie had everything …a helpless kid, a caring mother, an arrogant father, a bunch of bullies, teachers with an I don’t care attitude …..its something like it almost brings you back to your childhood………….kids who are basically not interested in learning will watch the movie and say they are or maybe dyslexic, parents who see that there kids cant get anything in there head will think there kids are or maybe dyslexic and they should be treated with extra care so the kid can flunk his/her next exam and still get away with it…….i guess aamir khan got both sides grown ups and kids……that’s why all I can say is brilliant……but those who think they didn’t do well when they were young because they might have had a neurological disorder well snap out of it … dint have any disorder you were like me plain not interested in studying and haan not to forget you are dumb (lol) you get happiness looking at your IQ score on facebook because that you think will give you a clear picture of what your brain capacity is …..well if you think so then so be it (lol)……….and haan I did however get the cheap pleasure of ripping Aamir Khan of around 100 bucks saw it at home :D………..but please all of you reading this don’t do it lets stop privacy lets make the rich richer so that they can come out with more brilliant movies like this in the future movies that teach you “every child is special”…..i still wonder why aamir khan had not come when I was 9 years old getting hit by my parents for not studying (lol)……..maybe every child is special but only a few lucky ones are chosen to feel that way :)
Yellow People
To start off with I would like to wish all you guys a wonderful new year. This is the first time I am blogging so pretty new at it. Don’t really know if it would be nice and all but somebody told me that I can earn some cash if my blog gets visited often so what the heck wherever there is the smell of money I go :) and plus this blog is kind off new so it might get plenty of updates and as time goes by and if you continusly visit this blog you will see that I have an opinion almost about everything........ feel a bit like Mahesh Butt, will get an opinion even if it aint really necessary, but that’s who I am …will talk, argue, pull peoples leg, and it goes on and on and on...... Have fun reading :)
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